Human Papillomavirus Self Sample Collection Kit

Simple collection of hpv cervicals sample


This kit is intended for self-collection, transportation and preservation of the cervicals specimen for human papillomavirus analysis in the laboratory.

The main component of the preservation solution is Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, which can help to stabilize the virus. Phenol red is added to the preservation solution to indicate the preser-vation status. Antibiotics are added to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. 

Keeping the gynecologic sampler in the tube facilitates the subsequent experiments. 

Features and Specifications

Product Name

Human Papillomavirus Self Sample Collection Kit

Storage Condition

Expiration: 2 years

Storage condition: 2-30°C


Human papillomavirus samples and related PCR detection reagent were used to evaluate the performance of this product. Results showed that the samples could be stably stored at 42°C for 7 days, 2-8°C for 15 days, and -(20土5)°Cfor 6 months. 

Package Specification

1 Set/Kit

Product Features

User-friendliness, privacy protection and simple operation

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